cStor Cup Standings

The Hornacek Cup is the SGL version of the Ryder Cup.  The top 40 players that qualify are divided into two 20 player teams that compete head's up in a match play format that includes 4 nine hole matches.  Foursomes, Fourball, and 2 individual matches. 

Members accumulate points during this season long qualifier based on participation and where they finish in each event.  For each event played, the member receives 3 points.  There are 40 points possible depending on where the player finishes.   40 points are awarded for 1st place and 1 point for 40th place.   No points are awarded below 40th place other than the participation points. 

This is one of the most anticipated events of the year and we are very grateful for Larry Gentry & Michael Savoie continuing the tradition as the new sponsor of this event.

Hornacek Cup Team Match Play Qualifier Ranking
Final Standings thru Event 34

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